What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a gentle pressure therapy applied to the feet. Therapeutic foot massage has been practised by many cultures over many centuries. There are precise reflex points on the feet, which mirror zones in the body. The aim of reflexology is to trigger a physiological response in the body to stimulate its own healing response. The practitioner can establish which parts of the body are out of balance. By using the pressure therapy technique in that area imbalances are corrected and the potential for correct functioning is encouraged.
Reflexology acts on energy blockages by using pressure thus encouraging the flow of body energy.
Reflexology can benefit all ages, it benefits the fit as well as those who may have specific complaints. As a preventive tool to maintain energy balance within the body it would be hard to beat. Try it and see….
Reflexology is beneficial for:
- Back Pain, Sciatica
- Headaches including Migraine
- Asthma
- Menopausal problems
- Eczema
- Sinus problems
- Psoriasis
- Insomnia
- ME
- Digestive problems
- the list goes on…
Reflexology is a complementary therapy and can complement any orthodox treatment you may be receiving
Times available:
- Monday – morning
- Tuesday – All day
- Home visits by arrangement
To make an appointment or for more information on reflexology speak to Sue Jeeves on 07807 774214